Monday, May 24, 2010

Float is finally finished

FLOAT from Katie Patno on Vimeo.

Well, what can I say... I'm so happy to be done with it. There are things I do like about it. I really enjoyed making the backgrounds and buildings and I think the colors work really well. The most cathartic thing to do while working on this was the buildings and all their little details and window treatments. It was so relaxing that I got sad when I had to animate. I think that for the time I had, the puppet style animation saved me from many sleepless nights. With two short puppet style films out of the way, I really do miss key frame animation terribly. Whenever I decide to make another short film, I think I'll switch methods.

Ah man, I'm exhausted. I hope you wish me luck when I present this to the class tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

now with music!

Float with music from Katie Patno on Vimeo.

almost there! I need to change a few little things and get rid of the layer mask, plus finish the end credits.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

musical woes

I have the up-most respect for musical composers... and musicians. This stuff is hard. Especially when you have no experience whatsoever, and I don't count the one time I played clarinet in the 7th grade. It may not be the greatest thing ever, but it has to be done.

Monday, April 12, 2010

animatic drei!

Float from Katie Patno on Vimeo.

Hahaha, ok, so the guys newspaper says "the Blunt Dealer,"which was my attempt at humor by parodying Cleveland's newspaper "the Plain Dealer." I thought it was innocent and cute, just coming up with another name for "Plain." I picked "blunt" as in "straight forward," and "to the point." Of course, my old roommate had to point out that in fact "the Blunt Dealer" is not exactly as innocent as I had originally thought, and I will admit it took me a good 5 minutes to understand what she meant by that... So yeah, the name has been changed.

Everyday I work on this, so it keeps changing and growing. Can't wait to finish my film!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Animatic dos!

Float animatic from Katie Patno on Vimeo.

Procrastination award goes!

Here is my long-awaited detailed animatic of Float. My faceless characters will soon have faces, my buildings will have their details finished, and all animation will be completed by the end of the quarter. Also, I am going to change the last shot. Instead of walking away in the direction he is going, he will be walking in the direction of the bus because he's still going to work. Man's still got to make a living, right?

Shout out to my loyal follower Katie B. Sorry this took so long to get up. I will add more, I promise this time. :)